What’s on:

OSME plans to hold a number of events throughout the upcoming year. We hope to host a series of general meetings where members can collaborate as well as offer speakers and teachers on the subject of medical education. We of course also hope to put on a large number of teaching events. Info on both will be posted on this page.


OSME events:

We currently don’t have anything planned but will update this page as soon as we do!


General events in Medical Education:

DLT Course- 30th April, GPEC in the John Radcliffe Hospital. Email lynne.roberts@paediatrics.ox.ac.uk if you’d like to part, it’s free but ideally for final year students.


ASME annual scientific meeting- 11th to 13th July, 2018



Our past events have included:
Teaching event: Date and time How to sign up to teach
Clinical School Taster day for pre-clinical students 4th November 2017, all-day Year 4/5 students- email Isabel.tol@worc.ox.ac.uk

Year 6 students- email Daniel.jones@worc.ox.ac.uk


If you have any ideas for new teaching schemes or events then please email osme@oxfordmedicaleducation.com or get in touch with one of our committee members.


Other Pages

Check out our teaching resources here: https://www.oxfordmedicaleducation.com/osme/teaching-resources/

OSME Home page: https://www.oxfordmedicaleducation.com/osme/