Cord compression – exam presentation

How to present a patient with a cord lesion for doctors, medical school exams, OSCEs, MRCP PACES and USMLE


  • Mr Anderson has a background of known metastatic prostate cancer.
  • He presented with pain in his lower back, tingling in his legs and difficulty passing urine.
  • On examination of the lower limbs tone was increased.
  • Power was decreased at 3/5 in both legs.
  • There was bilateral hyperreflexia, and extensor plantars.
  • He had a global loss of sensation to the level of L1. There was also decreased anal tone on digital rectal examination.
  • There was tenderness on palpation of the thoracic and lumbar spine.
  • These signs are consistent with spinal cord compression above the L1 spinal cord level. The history would be suggestive of a metastatic process underlying this.
  • This is a medical emergency. I would go on to organise emergency imaging (MRI whole spine) and activate the MSCC pathway [if available]. Treatment acutely with steroids (e.g. dexamethasone 8mg BD with a PPI) followed by neurological input may be needed.


Click here for neurological exam main page and here to learn about metastatic spinal cord compression

Perfect revision for medical student finals, OSCES and PACES