Upper gastrointestinal bleeds (UGI) bleeds
Aetiology of upper GI (UGI) bleeds
- Peptic ulcer disease – oesophageal, gastric or duodenal ulcers
- Prevalence 4% of the population
- Due to H. pylori, NSAID use, alcohol, steroid use, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (gastrin-secreting tumour causing multiple ulcers)
- Oesophagitis and gastroduodenal erosions (15%)
- Due to aspirin, other NSAIDs, steroids
- Oesophageal varices
- Due to portal hypertension, usually associated with chronic liver disease
- Portal hypertensive gastropathy
- Mallory-Weiss tears
- Secondary to prolonged vomiting
- Dieulafoy’s lesion
- Tortuous arteriole usually upper part of lesser curve, bleeding occurs through a tiny defect.
- Upper GI malignancy
- Vascular malformations
- Aorto-enteric fistula (commonest at approx 5 years post-surgery. Approx 2% risk)
History in upper GI (UGI) bleeds
- History of presenting complaint
- Haematemesis – can be bright red OR coffee-ground
- Melaena – distinctive smell, tar-like
- Volume of blood loss in either case
- Dyspesia
- Dizziness
- Chest pain
- Prolonged vomiting/retching
- Constitutional symptoms
- Past medical history
- Previous GI bleed
- Known PUD/varices
- Malignancy
- Liver disease
- Known cardiovascular/respiratory disease (fitness to undergo sedation and/or intubation for endoscopy)
- Medications
- Steroids
- Anticoagulants
- Allergies
- Social history
- Alcohol consumption
Video explaining Upper GI Bleeds
Examination of upper GI (UGI) bleeds
- Signs of chronic liver disease
- DRE for melaena
- Signs of shock
- Tachycardia, hypotension, altered conscious level, postural BP (often not appropriate in acute setting)
- Encephalopathy
Initial management of acute upper GI (UGI) bleeds
– see http://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/cg141/chapter/1-recommendations for further details
- Resuscitation
- A – manage airway and consider need for intubation/airway adjunct or suctioning
- B – give oxygen to maintain sats > 96%
- C –
- BP, HR
- Large-bore IV access x 2
- VBG to assess Hb, acidosis, lactate
- Send lab bloods for FBC, U+Es, clotting, X-match (2-4 units usually)
- IV fluid resuscitation (crystalloid is fine acutely)
- D – AVPU, check glucose level
- E – ?peritonitic abdomen
- Imaging
- Erect CXR to look for gas under diaphgragm
- Catheter insertion for accurate fluid balance monitoring
- Transfusion
- Transfuse with x-matched (or O-neg or type-specific blood if very urgent) blood if haemodynamically unstable
- Current guidelines suggest transfusing if Hb < 7 for patients with cirrhosis
- If massive blood loss occurs then follow local protocols for transfusing platelets and clotting factors along with blood.
- Give prothrombin concentrate complex to patients on warfarin who are actively bleeding
- Proton-pump inhibitors
- Current NICE guidance is NOT to give acid-suppression (PPIs, H2-RA) to patients with suspected non-variceal bleeds prior to endoscopy).
- If evidence of recent haemorrhage then IV or oral PPI is given post-endoscopy
- In practice however, this is still commonly given prior to endoscopy
- Prokinetic
- Metoclopramide 10mg IV can be given to empty the stomach contents to allow better views at endoscopy
- Variceal bleeds
- Treat as above
- Give broad-spectrum antibiotics i.e. IV Tazocin 4.5g
- Give IV Terlipressin 2g (unless peripheral vascular disease)
- Endoscopy
- Scoring system (see below)
- Offer endoscopy to unstable patients with severe bleeding immediately after resuscitation
- Offer endoscopy to all other patients within 24 hours
- Management of non-variceal bleeding
- Clips +/- adrenaline
- Thermal coagulation with adrenaline
- Fibrin/thrombin with adrenaline
- Management of variceal bleeding
- Band ligation for oesophageal varices
- Injection of N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate for gastric varices
- Consider TIPSS procedure if the above methods do not control the bleeding
Further management of acute upper GI (UGI) bleeds
- Sengstaken-Blakemore tube
- A tube inserted into the stomach with gastric and oesophageal balloons – ONLY inflate the gastric balloon
- Can only be used in intubated patients with varices
- Used as a bridge for definitive therapy – usually either endoscopy or TIPSS
- Surgical intervention
- Perforated viscus
Scoring systems for upper GI (UGI) bleeds
- Rockall
- Prognosticates
- Age, Shock, co-morbidities
- Diagnosis and stigmata after endoscopy
- Scores below 2 have a very low mortality
- Scores 8 or higher have a mortality of 40%+
- Blatchford-Glasgow
- Risk stratify – predicts the need for hospital-based intervention
- Urea, Hb, Systolic BP
- Other: pulse, melaena, syncope, hepatic disease, cardiac failure
- Use acutely but not as good as Rockall in predicting overall mortality
- Score 0 = home
- Score >0 = endoscopy
- Score >5 (6 and up) = same day endoscopy
- Risk stratify – predicts the need for hospital-based intervention
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