Definitions in stridor
- Stridor is a harsh, high-pitched respiratory sound, caused by obstruction of the upper airways at or below the level of the larynx
- Stridor is worth with distress/crying, particularly in children
- Expiratory stridor: intrathoracic tracheal cause (as the increase in intrathoracic pressure on expiration makes the obstruction worse)
- Biphasic stridor: subglottic cause
- Inspiratory stridor: Supraglottic/glottic origin
- Stertor is pharyngeal and worse with sleep
Causes of stridor (think of intraluminal, luminal and extraluminal causes)
- Intaluminal
- Foreign body
- Vocal cord palsy
- Luminal
- Supraglottitis/epiglottitis
- Croup
- Malignancy
- Papillomatosis
- Extraluminal
- Airway trauma
- Compression e.g. from thyroid or malignancy external to airway
- Cricoarytenoid fixation in rheumatoid
Common causes of stridor in children
- Laryngomalacia
- Croup
- Foreign body
- Epiglottitis
- Vocal cord palsy
- Laryngeal web/cleft
- Subglottic stenosis
- Respiratory papillomatosis
History and examination in stridor
- Adults and children
- Severity
- Onset
- Recent changes
- Neck lumps
- Recent infections
- Previous intubations
- Change in voice
- Children
- Change in cry
- Feeding difficulty
- Adults
- Malignancy screening questions: Smoking, drinking, weight loss, dysphagia
- NB. Beware of signs of respiratory distress, cyanosis or drooling
Respiratory examination from Oxford Medical Videos
Management of stridor
- Stridor is an emergency
- Manage with ABCDE approach
- Call an anaesthetist early
- Get the patient to a safe place and get help from the ENT team with experienced anaesthetist
- In children, DO NOT distress in any way them as this can compromise the airway
- Medical management of the airway
- IV steroids
- Dexamethasone 8mg TDS to start
- Nebulised adrenaline
- 1ml 1:1000 made up to 5ml with normal saline
- IV steroids
- At some point the cords will need to be visualised either with a flexible nasendoscopy if safe to do so else under general anaesthetic
- Emergency airway options include
- 1) Intubation
- 2) Jet ventilation
- 3) Cricothyroidotomy
- 4) Tracheostomy
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