Common acute head trauma exam questions for medical finals, OSCEs and MRCP PACES
Question 1. Aetiology
List three causes of head trauma
- Falls
- Assaults
- RTCs
Question 2. Meninges
List three meninges from superficial to deep
- Dura mater
- Arachnoid mater
- Pia mater
Question 3. Potential Spaces
List three potential spaces from superficial to deep
- Extradural space
- Subdural space
- Subarachnoid space
Question 5. Cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP)
Summarize the Monroe-Kellie doctrine
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- CPP is autoregulated at MAP = 50-150 mmHg
Question 6. Cushing’s triad
List the three features of Cushing’s triad and explain its mechanism
- Hypertension
- Bradycardia
- Irregular respirations
- As ICP rises, MAP rises to maintain CPP; excessive MAP may cause a reflex bradycardia
Question 7. GCS
A 79 year old lady presents with a reduced level of consciousness after sustaining a head injury during a fall; she does not open her eyes but moans and flexes her limbs when given a jaw thrust; give a breakdown of her GCS including the total score
- GCS = E1 V2 M3 = 6
On opening her eyes, you see that one of her pupils is fixed and dilated; what is the likely mechanism of this?
- Third nerve palsy from uncal herniation secondary to an expanding intracranial haematoma
Question 8. NICE indications for CT head
Give six of the NICE indications for CT head.
- Any six of
- GCS <13 initially
- GCS <15 at 2 hours post-injury
- Suspected open or depressed skull fracture
- Signs of basal skull fracture
- Periorbital ecchymoses (panda eyes)
- Postauricular ecchymoses (Battle’s sign)
- CSF otorhinorrhoea
- Haemotympanum
- Post-traumatic seizure
- >1 episode of vomiting
- Focal neurological deficit
- Loss of consciousness/amnesia + one of the following
- Age >65
- Dangerous mechanism (pedestrian or cyclist struck by a motor vehicle; occupant ejected from motor vehicle; fall from >1 m or five stairs)
- >30 min retrograde amnesia
Question 9. Primary and secondary brain injury
Explain the difference between primary and secondary brain injury
- Primary brain injury occurs during the initial trauma; secondary brain injury occurs after the initial insult and is potentially preventable or treatable