Common Abdominal Examination exam questions for medical finals, OSCEs and MRCP PACES
Click on the the example questions below to reveal the answers
Question 1:
What are the common causes of cirrhosis?
- Alcohol
- Viral
- Fatty liver (NAFLD/NASH)
- Autoimmune
- Genetic
- CF, HH, Wilsons
- Glycogen storage diseases
- Drugs
- Isoniazid
- Methotrexate, amioderone, phenytoin, nitrofurantoin
- Vascular
- Budd-Chiari
- Idiopathic
What are the complications of cirrhosis?
- Liver failure
- Coagulopathy and encephalopathy
- Portal hypertension
- Ascites
- Varices
- Hypersplenism
- Jaundice
How do you manage cirrhosis?
- Slowing disease
- Antiretrovirals, immunosuppression in autoimmune
- Prevent more damage
- Stop ETOH, vaccinate against Hep B and C, and pneumovax
- Look for complications
- 6-monthly USS and AFP for HCC
- Endoscope
- Varices plus C-P grade C get beta-blocker
- ABx following SBP
- Liver transplant
- 6 months abstinence, age <65
Question 2.
Why do patients get oedema in liver disease?
- 1. Low albumin
- 2. Stimulation of RAAS leads to fluid retention
Question 3.
What are signs of alcohol dependence
- Cachexia
- Cerebellar dysfunction
- Peripheral neuropathy and myopathy
- Parotid enlargement
- Dupytrens
Question 4.
What are the causes of decompensation in liver disease
- Infection
- Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
- GI bleeding
- Sedatives
Question 5.
How do grade the severity of liver liver disease?
- Child-Pugh (severity and prognosis)
- Bilirubin, PT, albumin
- Ascites, encephalopathy
- Score 5-6 = A (90% 5-year survival)
- Score 7-9 = B (80% 5-year survival)
- Score 10 and up = C (33% 1 year)
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