Question 1. Diagnosis of DKA
What are the three diagnostic criteria for DKA?
- Hyperglycaemia >11 mM or known diabetes
- Ketonaemia >3 mM or ketonuria >2+
- Acidosis pH <7.3 and/or bicarbonate <15 mM
Question 2. Pathophysiology of DKA
Outline the mechanism of profound dehydration in DKA
- Insulin deficiency renders cells unable to take up and metabolise glucose
- Glucose remains trapped in the blood from where it is filtered by the kidneys in concentrations that exceed renal reabsorption capacity
- Glycosuria causes a profound osmotic diuresis leading to severe dehydration
Outline the mechanism of ketogenesis in DKA
- Unable to rely on carbohydrate metabolism, cells switch to fat metabolism and oxidise fatty acids to release acetyl coenzyme A (CoA) in concentrations that saturate the Kreb’s cycle
- Excess acetyl CoA is converted to the ketone bodies acetone, acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate, which are released into the blood causing a raised anion gap metabolic acidosis
Explain the mechanism of Kussmaul’s breathing in DKA
- Hyperventilation creates a respiratory alkalosis to compensate for the metabolic acidosis
Question 3. Differential diagnosis of DKA
List other causes of a raised anion gap metabolic aciodsis
- Alcohol
- ‘MUDPILES’: Methanol, uraemia, [DKA], paraldehyde, isoniazid, lactate, ethylene glycol, salicylates
- Carbon monoxide/cyanide
Question 4. Management of DKA
What are the three main components in the management of DKA?
- Fluid resuscitation
- Fixed rate insulin IV infusion
- Potassium replacement
What is the fluid resuscitation regime in DKA?
- 0.9% saline 1 L IV over 1 hour
- 0.9% saline 1 L IV over 2 hours
- 0.9% saline 1 L IV over 2 hours
- 0.9% saline 1 L IV over 4 hours
- 0.9% saline 1 L IV over 4 hours
- 0.9% saline 1 L IV over 6 hours
At what rate would you commence the fixed rate insulin IV infusion?
- 0.1 unit/kg/hour
What action would you take once blood glucose became <14 mM?
- Commence glucose 10% IV at 125 ml/hour
At what level would you add potassium supplementation to fluid resuscitation?
- Potassium <5.5 mM