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Haematology Mnemonics

The best haem mnemonics for medical student finals, OSCEs and MRCP


  • Folate deficiency causes (A FOLIC DROP)

    •  Alcoholism
    • Folic acid antagonists
    • OCP
    • Low dietary intake
    • Infection (giardiasis)
    • Coeliac disease
    • Dilantin (phenytoin)
    • Relative folate deficiency
    • Old
    • Pregnancy


  •  Causes of thrombocytopenia (PLATELETS)

    •  Platelet disorders (DIC, TTP, ITP)
    • Leukaemia
    • Anaemia
    • Trauma
    • Enlarged spleen
    • Liver disease
    • Ethanol
    • Toxins e.g. heparin, aspirin, chemotherapy, benzene
    • Sepsis