Head trauma
Common causes of head trauma
- Falls
- Assault
- Road traffic collisions (RTCs)
Pathophysiology of head trauma
- Coverings and spaces:
- The coverings of the brain, or meninges, can be divided into three layers from superficial to deep:
- Dura mater
- Arachnoid mater
- Pia mater
- The dura is a tough fibrous layer that adheres to the internal surface of the skull; it forms the falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli, and encloses large venous sinuses
- Between the skull and the dura lies the extradural space; laceration of the middle meningeal artery can cause an extradural haematoma
- The arachnoid is thin and transparent; it is not attached to the dura
- Between the dura and the arachnoid lies the subdural space; laceration of bridging veins that travel from the brain surface to the venous sinuses can cause a subdural haematoma
- The pia is firmly attached to the surface of the brain
- Between the arachnoid and the pia lies the subarachnoid space, which is filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that drains from the ventricles; brain contusions can cause a subarachnoid haemorrhage
- The coverings of the brain, or meninges, can be divided into three layers from superficial to deep:
- Intracranial pressure (ICP):
- The skull is a rigid box with incompressible contents
- ICP depends on the volume of intracranial contents: blood, CSF and brain tissue
- Normal ICP = 5-12 mmHg
- Elevated ICP can reduce cerebral perfusion and cause or exacerbate ischaemia
- The Monro-Kellie doctrine:
- Because the volume of the skull is fixed, any increase in volume of one of its components, such as an expanding extradural haematoma, has to be compensated for by a corresponding reduction in volume of another component
- Initially CSF and blood are shunted out, providing a degree of buffering and preventing a rise in ICP (compensated state)
- Once displacement of CSF and blood has been exhausted, a critical point is reached and a sharp rise in ICP occurs (decompensated state)
- Cerebral blood flow (CBF):
- CBF is proportional to cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP)
- CPP = mean arterial pressure (MAP) – ICP
- As ICP rises, MAP rises to maintain CPP; excessively high MAP leads to a reflex bradycardia and this is the basis of Cushing’s reflex
- CPP is autoregulated at MAP = 50-150 mmHg
- If MAP <50 mmHg, CPP falls and ischaemia and infarction may occur
- If MAP >150 mmHg, CPP rises and cerebral oedema may occur
- CPP also varies with changes in PaO2 and PaCO2; hypoxia and hypercapnia lead to cerebral vasodilatation whereas hypocapnia causes cerebral vasoconstriction
- CPP should be maintain ≥70-80 mmHg and most clinicians aim for ≥90 mmHg; the critical level for ischaemia is thought to be 30-40 mmHg
- Uncal herniation and false localising signs:
- An expanding intracranial haematoma may cause a region of the temporal lobe known as the uncus to herniate through the tentorial notch
- This can cause compression of the ipsilateral oculomotor nerve which runs along the edge of the tentorium
- Compression of its parasympathetic fibres which lie on the surface of the nerve, cause pupillary dilatation due to unopposed sympathetic activity; this may be accompanied by a down and out gaze
- In addition, compression of the corticospinal tract which decussates caudally in the medulla causes contralateral hemiparesis
- Therefore ipsilateral pupillary dilatation and contralateral hemiparesis are the classical signs of uncal herniation from an expanding intracranial haematoma
Worrying clinical features in head trauma
- Headache
- Vomiting
- Confusion
- Seizures
- Reduced Glasgow coma scale (GCS)
- Amnesia
- Focal neurology
- Visual disturbance
- Dilated/’blown’ pupil and contralateral hemiparesis
- Scalp lacerations
- Open or depressed skull fractures
- Signs of basal skull fracture
- Periorbital ecchymoses (panda eyes)
- Postauricular ecchymoses (Battle’s sign)
- CSF otorhinorrhoea
- Haemotympanum
- Cushing’s triad (very late sign)
- Hypertension
- Bradycardia
- Irregular respirations
- N.B. there is inadequate space within the cranial cavity for haemorrhage to cause shock; if the patient has sustained head trauma and is shocked, look elsewhere for the source of haemorrhage and/or consider alternative causes of shock other than haemorrhage
Assessment of consciousness in head trauma: Glasgow coma score (GCS)
- Adult GCS:
- Eye opening
- E4 = spontaneously
- E3 = to voice
- E2 = to pain
- E1 = none
- Verbal response
- V5 = conversation
- V4 = confused
- V3 = words
- V2 = sounds
- V1 = none
- Motor response
- M6 = obeys commands
- M5 = localises
- M4 = withdraws
- M3 = flexes
- M2 = extends
- M1 = none
- Eye opening
- Paediatric GCS
- Eye opening
- E4 = spontaneously
- E3 = to voice
- E2 = to pain
- E1 = none
- Verbal response
- V5 = normal words/sounds
- V4 = fewer words/sounds, spontaneous cry
- V3 = cries to pain
- V2 = moans to pain
- V1 = none
- Motor response
- M6 = obeys commands
- M5 = localises
- M4 = withdraws
- M3 = flexes
- M2 = extends
- M1 = none
- Eye opening
Imaging in head trauma
- Adult NICE indications for CT scan:
- GCS <13 initially
- GCS <15 at 2 hours post-injury
- Suspected open or depressed skull fracture
- Signs of basal skull fracture
- Periorbital ecchymoses (panda eyes)
- Postauricular ecchymoses (Battle’s sign)
- CSF otorhinorrhoea
- Haemotympanum
- Post-traumatic seizure
- >1 episode of vomiting
- Focal neurological deficit
- Loss of consciousness/amnesia + one of the following
- Age >65
- Dangerous mechanism (pedestrian or cyclist struck by a motor vehicle; occupant ejected from motor vehicle; fall from >1 m or five stairs)
- >30 min retrograde amnesia
- Although not officially one of the NICE indications, many Emergency Departments consider anticoagulation an absolute indication for CT scan in the context of head trauma
- Paediatric NICE indications for CT head:
- GCS <14 initially for children >1 year old
- GCS <15 initially for children <1 year old
- GCS <15 after 2 hours post-injury
- Suspected open or depressed skull fracture, or tense fontanelle
- Signs of basal skull fracture
- Periorbital ecchymoses (panda eyes)
- Postauricular ecchymoses (Battle’s sign)
- CSF otorhinorrhoea
- Haemotympanum
- Post-traumatic seizure
- ≥3 episodes of vomiting
- Focal neurological deficit
- Suspicion of non-accidental injury (NAI)
- Children <1 year old + bruising/swelling/laceration >5 cm
- >1 of
- Witnessed loss of consciousness > 5 min
- Abnormal drowsiness
- Dangerous mechanism (pedestrian or cyclist struck by a motor vehicle; occupant ejected from motor vehicle; fall from >1 m or five stairs)
- Amnesia >5 min
Initial management of head trauma: General points
- The severity of head injury can be graded as mild (GCS 13-15), moderate (GCS 9-12) or severe (GCS 3-8)
- Manage patients with moderate or severe head trauma, or a dangerous mechanism of injury, from an ABCDE perspective
- Request a CT head in any patient with one or more NICE indication
- Discuss any clinically significant CT head findings with neurosurgery
- Have a low threshold for requesting a CT head in elderly patients with dementia and/or delirium who have fallen and sustained a head injury: It is unlikely they will be able to provide a reliable history or comply with examination and if the fall was unwitnessed there will be no collateral history about the event either
- Consider whether imaging is required to exclude a cervical spine injury; NICE guidelines advise that if patients require a CT head and imaging is required to exclude a cervical spine injury, then CT neck is the recommended imaging modality
- Consider what led to the head injury; if it was a fall, what was the cause and are there any other injuries?
Initial management of head trauma: Prevention of secondary brain injury
- Primary brain injury occurs during the initial trauma; secondary brain injury occurs after the initial insult and is potentially preventable or treatable
- Intubate patients with a low GCS in order to maintain and protect their airway
- Avoid hypoxia and maintain PaO2 >13 kPa
- Aim for PaCO2 in normal range (4.5-5 kPa) – therapeutic hypocapnoea is no longer used
- Intubate and ventilate as required to achieve these aims
- Tape endotracheal tube in place as opposed to tying them so as not to obstruct venous drainage
- Avoid excessive intra-thoracic pressures
- Avoid hypotension and maintain MAP ≥90 mmHg using vasopressors as necessary
- Avoid hypoglycaemia and replace glucose as necessary
- Treat seizures; paralyse if necessary
- Nurse with 30o head-up tilt, neck inline to improve venous drainage and reduce ICP without compromising CPP
- Avoid cervical collars if possible
- Consider mannitol 20% 500 ml IV to reduce ICP
- Ensure adequate analgesia to avoid rises in ICP
- Aim for normothermia
Initial management of head trauma: Wound management
- The scalp is highly vascular and wounds may need compression to achieve haemostasis
- Explore and clean any wounds; remove any foreign bodies identified with the naked eye and request a soft tissue radiograph if glass was involved and/or further foreign bodies are suspected
- Most scalp lacerations can be closed with glue and/or steristrips but deeper wounds will require sutures
- Consider the need for tetanus and antibiotic prophylaxis
Further management of head trauma
- Admission criteria:
- CT head with clinically significant abnormalities
- GCS not returned to normal
- Awaiting CT head
- Continued clinical concern e.g. vomiting
- Other ongoing concern e.g. intoxication
- Recommended frequency of neurological observations (neuro obs):
- Half-hourly until GCS = 15
- Then half-hourly for 2 hours
- Then hourly for 4 hours
- Then 2-hourly
- Discharge advice:
- Written and verbal advice should be given to all patients discharged following a head injury
- Advise patients to return if any of the following develop
- Unconsciousness
- Confusion
- Inappropriate drowsiness
- Problems understanding or speaking
- Problems with balance
- Weakness
- Blurred vision
- Painful headaches that won’t go away
- Vomiting
- Seizures
- Clear straw-coloured fluid coming from their nose and/or ears
- Bleeding from one/both ears
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