Interpretation of CSF results from lumbar puncture (LP)
- The outline below gives basic indication of patterns of disease to look for in CSF. However, note that CSF results should always be interpreted with the clinical picture in mind.
- Reference ranges may vary between labs
Normal results in adults
- Appearance: Clear
- Opening pressure: 10-20 cmCSF
- WBC count: 0-5 cells/µL
- < 2 polymorphonucleocytes [PMN])
- Normal cell counts do not rule out meningitis or any other pathology
- Glucose level: >60% of serum glucose
- Protein level: < 45 mg/dL
- Consider additional tests: CSF culture, others depending on clinical findings
Bacterial meningitis
- Appearance: Clear, cloudy, or purulent
- Opening pressure: Usually elevated (>25 cmCSF)
- WBC count: >100 cells/µL
- >90% PMN
- Partially treated cases may have as low as 1 WBC/µL
- Glucose level: Low (< 40% of serum glucose)
- Protein level: Elevated (>50 mg/dL)
- Additional tests: CSF Gram stain and cultures, blood cultures, CSF bacterial antigens, CSF polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for common viruses
Viral meningitis
- Appearance: Clear
- Opening pressure: Normal or elevated
- WBC count: 10-1000 cells/µL
- Classically lymphocytes but may be PMN early
- Glucose level: >60% serum glucose (may be low in HSV infection)
- Protein level: Elevated (>50 mg/dL)
- Consider additional tests: CSF Gram stain and cultures, blood cultures, CSF bacterial antigens, CSF PCR for herpes simplex virus (HSV), varicella-zoster virus (VZV) and other common virus such as adenovirus or enterovirus depending on area
Fungal meningitis
- Appearance: Clear or cloudy
- Opening pressure: Elevated
- WBC count: 10-500 cells/µL
- Glucose level: Low
- Protein level: Elevated
- Additional tests: CSF Gram stain and cultures, blood cultures, CSF bacterial antigens, CSF PCR, CSF India ink
Tuberculosis (TB)
- Appearance: Clear or opaque
- Opening pressure: Elevated
- WBC count: 50-500 cells/µL
- Early PMNs then lymphocytes
- Glucose level: Low
- Protein level: Elevated
- Consider additional tests: CSF Gram stain and cultures, blood cultures, CSF bacterial antigens, CSF PCR, CSF tuberculosis culture/stain looking for acid fast bacilli (AFB)
Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH)
- Appearance: Xanthochromia, bloody, or clear
- Opening pressure: Elevated
- WBC count: (1 additional WBC per 1000 RBCs is considered normal correction)
- Glucose level: Normal
- Protein level: Elevated
- Additional tests: CSF Gram stain and culture, photospectometry to examine for xanthochromia
Multiple sclerosis (MS)
- Appearance: Clear
- Opening pressure: Normal
- WBC count: 0-20 cells/µL (lymphocytes)
- Glucose level: Normal
- Protein level: Usually mildly elevated (45-75 mg/dL)
- Additional tests: Oligoclonal bands (paired serum and CSF)
Guillain Barré syndrome (GBS)
- Appearance: Clear or xanthochromia
- Opening pressure: Normal or elevated
- WBC count: Normal or elevated
- Glucose level: Normal
- Protein level: Elevated